lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

eating habits around the world

These are some food of the world:

The Paella, the Thai food, Tortillas, Soups, Sauces, Bases and Desserts of Spices, Fished and Seafood, stuffed Jalapeños and Vegetables.

In Colombia: The potato and the stew of chicken, the Tray Paisa, the Casserole of Seafood, Pandebono, the Veal to the llanera, hen, Canelazo, Rice with chicken, the Creole one, beans with meat of pork, the Broth of rib.

In Argentina: Tarts, meat vaccinates, pastas, wines, ice creams, alfajor.

In Chile: Creole Nourishment, wheat, meats of pork, chickens, bulls and cows, the grain and the bean.

In France: the soup of fish, veal cooked in white sauce, cheeses, the tart of apple, the white sugary wine and brandy Armagnac